20 August 2015

1up Box: Combat

This month's theme is COMBAT.  Are you ready?

Funko Wolverine Dorbz Vinyl Figure:  Totally dorbs, wouldn't hurt a fly.

smug little smirk on his dorb little face

Catch-Them-All Sweatband:  I have no use for these...ever.  The Pokemon design is awesome.  Not entirely sure if I will find a way to display this or add to the trade-in bin.  Cool item though.  

no sweat to capture them all

Exclusive Dragon Stress Ball: I have no use for these.  They seem to be popping up quite a bit in sub boxes.  Great Dragonball Z gift.  My nephew has claimed this one, no trade-off bin for you.  

Combat Sticker:  This stickers is actually pretty awesome.  There are vignettes of various heroes including but not limited to Link, Pikachu, Mario, Mega Man, and Donkey Kong.  I like this sticker a lot and will definitely find somewhere for it to go.

Welcome to the Heroes Circle

Exclusive Combat Panda Patch:  I am not a fan of patches even though I have a nice little collection.  This Kung-Fu Panda Pool mash up patch is a definite keeper.

Chimmie Powers Activate!

Link vs Ink Tee:  I like this design but lost out to my housemate who is a mega Link fan.

Completely forgot about these.  The button this month is awesome.  I am not a fan of buttons even though I have a growing collection!

Final Verdict

So much YES! in this box.  There are a few trade-off bin items but overall the keepers are awesome.  I have been highly impressed with what the 1up Box has been offering.  Looking forward to next month all ready!