27 July 2015

Geek Fuel "Exclusive"

Geek Fuel Time!


Burnstar Downloadable Game Code & Star Candy: Nice!  I was eyeing this game the other day.  Am stoked to see it in this month's box.  The candy is delicious banana!

Mini-Pint Shot Glass: Holy balls! Ant-Man shot glass! What!?  So freaking cool.

mini bobbler Ant-Man not included

Shiny! Button: A button

Aliens C.S. Vampirella Poster: Actually this is a cool looking poster.  I am running out of wall real estate.  Not sure to the fate of this poster.

GF Exclusive: Marvel #1 Issue Civil War Comic Book: Holy balls yes!

Le Tour Geek Tee:  A Tour de France nod with Link.  Did not get to so much as touch this tee as Eiren ran off into his cave with it.  Did not get the yellow jersey though, I do know that.

Final Verdict

Month after month, GeekFuel continues to send a great mix of items.  I am looking forward to next month already!