21 October 2014

Loot Crate Fear

This is my first subscription box.  Much excite!  This month the theme is FEAR and I couldn't be happier about that (being a huge horror fan).

Lewt time!

Smite Gift Card (Jack the Reaper Skin):  Online game code for Smite (in-game skin).  Free codes for in-game items is actually awesome.  Sometimes items like this fetch a hefty price-tag.  My housemate begged to have this, so away it went.

Lootcrate Magazine and cardstock 3D glasses:  My housemates and I were just talking about 3D glasses.  Strange how that works out sometimes.  The front and back covers as well as two pages inside the mag are 3D.  Kind of neat but 3D glasses of any kind give me a terrible eye ache but they are still a nice addition.  One of my housemates has claimed them for 'reasons' and I don't intend to argue about it.

Time to get spooky

Slashes & Bites Tattoos:  Considering the time of the year, I reckon these fit the bill for the FEAR theme.  These are not my cup of tea as I have no real use for them.

Zombie mouth looks gnarly

The Walking Dead (Issue 132): Huge comic book fangirl right here and The Walking Dead fan to boot!  It came single-layer plastic wrapped to which I happily gnawed through to read the comic.  Neat addition to the crate.

"Oh Brother" Art Print:  I actually like this print, a lot.  It is a (10.16cm x 15.24 cm, 4 in x 6 in) printed on glossy stock paper.  I am in the process of relocating and boxing things up so unfortunately I won't have any where to display this for a while.  Definitely going up on a wall!

Sad Daryl is sad

How to Survive A Sharknado (guide book):  This book is actually awesome!  If you enjoyed and read '5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth (and other useful guides)' this book is along the same vein.  I happen to be a Sharknado fan so I was instantly drawn to it.  It makes for a great read.

Official Guide to Staying Alive

Sledgesaw Hammer Pen: Dead Rising collectibles are bad ass.  Too bad I'm the worst type of collector that has to take everything out of its package and monkey around with them.  Otherwise what is the point of having cool toys?  I think it will look great on my desk.

EDIT: My housemate Eiren has decided to use it as a window prop and it is slightly bent now :(

Toxic Candy Waste: Sour fizzing candies.  I am a fan of the fizzers but wasn't in the mood for candy.  Fed them to Eiren instead.

Death by Kitten Tee: Very cool tee indeed.  Since it has kittens, my housemates wouldn't dare touch it (kitten envy).  I foresee this being a tee I wear quite often.

cute but deadly

Final Verdict

This crate was a hit.  With exception to the tattoos, I really liked the selection Lootcrate offered and can't wait for the next one!

05 October 2014

Mystery Box Obsession

The allure of a mystery box is just that; a mystery.  What goodies (or train wrecks) await as you patiently wait for your box in the post.  The excitement of eagerly tearing into the cardboard mailer to see what treasures (or blunders) await.

In September of 2014, I won a year subscription to Lootcrate™ from a Twitch.tv streamer (Cheers Ben!)  and it has been an obsession ever since.  Prior to winning the sub, I was aware of the existence of subscription boxes of all types but I never purchased one.  Now I have subscriptions all over the net!

I've had my fair share of hits and misses when it comes to monthly sub boxes.  All of my [mis]adventures will be documented here for others to laugh at or rage about.  The whole purpose is to share my experiences and spread the joy of geeky goodness.

My current subs
  • Lootcrate
  • Nerd Block Classic
  • Nerd Block Arcade
  • Nerd Block Horror
  • Geekfuel
  • 1up Box
  • Herocrate *  Edit: As of 1 August 2015, HC now has a subscription model
  • Collectible Geek **
  • Marvel Collector Corps
  • Boxychan (pick your own theme)

*Month by month (theme dependent)
**No longer a sub service :(