23 February 2015

Loot Crate Play

This month's theme is PLAY.  One of my favourite things behind naps and pizza are playing video games.

Lewt Time!

Loot Crate Magazine and button:  Usual theme related readings, loot overview, and game pieces for the LC exclusive game.  The box unfolds into a game board.  Pretty neat-o.  The button depicts a board game.

Exclusive Firefly Online Premium Ship Unlock Code:  No flippin' clue what Firefly is, had to Google it.  It doesn't look like a game for me but if anyone wants the code, I will gladly give it to you!

Waka-Waka Poster:  That damn Pac Man!  I absolutely adore the dissection of an Atari cartridge.  Will definitely have a home of one of my walls.

Hexbug: A mechanical bug.  There are a few options that could be in the crate, I got the Hexbug Ant.  Don't get me wrong, it's cool.  I just don't like it but my niece offered to take it off my hands.  Good kid.

Exclusive Rock-Paper-Scissors Dice Game:  These are cool as hell.  These will be used daily when it comes to disagreements with the housemates.

Exclusive Looter Edition SUPERFIGHT Card Game: First time I've heard of this but it sounds like an awesome game.  Basically there are super heroes and super problem along with scenario cards.  I'm told it's similar to Cards Against Humanity.  It sounds like a blast.  My housemates and I will have to give it a go!

Ready Player One Novel:  Was not expecting a book but much excite!  I am a bookworm and looking forward to giving this one a read.

DIY Munny Figure: A DIY figure.  There are markers in the box but they wipe right off.  I may end up making a get-up for it from scrap cloth instead of drawing on it.

Final Verdict

I do like that the items in this month's crate are all related to the PLAY theme.  A few of the items I wasn't crazy about but I'm sure others were happy with them.